Division by zero can cause serious problems in math. If you inadvertently divide by zero (usually dividing by an expression that may happen to be equal to zero), you may get wrong results. Some jokes on the Web allude to this.
You cannot divide by zero, so the answer is undefined.
Divide By Zero ended in 1996.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
You can not divide by zero.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Why did Zero not understand the joke in Stanley’s letter?
yes he can divide by zero.
Zero Divide happened in 1995.
You cannot divide by zero, so the answer is undefined.
Divide By Zero ended in 1996.
you can't. the answer would be undefined. You can divide zero by anything though. the answer to that would be zero.
8/0 = 0 you can't divide by zero
Zero Divide was created on 1995-08-25.
Its a joke
0 (zero) because divide by zero is illegal
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
You can not divide by zero.