Any time we compare decimals, except in out dreams/nightmares! We cannot leave the real world purely for the purpose of comparing decimals and return to the real word when we have done that!
Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
change them to decimals
You compare the integer parts first.
Any time we compare decimals, except in out dreams/nightmares! We cannot leave the real world purely for the purpose of comparing decimals and return to the real word when we have done that!
Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
how you compare decimals and percents, is by the signs. a decimal looks like this: 0.0 and a percent looks like this: %
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
change them to decimals
you eat pie
You compare the integer parts first.
Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
Non-repeating decimals is not a word but a phrase. Non-repeating decimals are irrational numbers.
it means that u write it with the decimal in the middle of the numbers
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.