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Madison defines a faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community".

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Q: What does the word faction mean according to James Madison?
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What does faction mean according to Madison?

He refers to 'faction' as a political group of people.

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In James Madison's age there was no cell phones. That is just a silly question. Or did you mean the high school named James Madison?

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James Madison. From that point on no one could ask a founding father "what did you mean by this........." we have had to figure it out.

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If you mean physical height, the shortest was James Madison.

What does James Madison mean by a republic?

I believe that what James Madison meant by republic was this - a country governed by its people rather than by a monarch. No one man should hold all that power.

What does the word faction mean?

According to Merriam-Webster (, faction means "a party or group that is often contentious or self-seeking." A synonym might be splinter group.

Who was considered the father of the constituon?

If you mean the Father of the Constitution, James Madison

What title did James madion earn?

If you mean James Madison he became president, but other than that no title.

Was dolley dandrige Madison's wife?

Dolley Madison's maiden name was Dolley Payne Todd, and she was married to James Madison. If you mean Martha Dandridge Custis, she was married to George Washington.

Who wrote Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

What did James Madison mean when he said the head is too large for the body?

the fear in the head about war is too much to take in

What does the name Madison mean in English?

it also means this Madison means son of matthew in the bible  madison means warrior and strength and true to self. It also means What Does MADISON Mean and History? From an English surname meaning “son of MAUD”. It was not commonly used as a feminine name until after the movie ‘Splash’ (1984), in which the main character adopted it as her name after seeing a street sign for Madison Avenue in New York City. A famous bearer of the surname was James Madison (1751-1836), one of the authors of the American constitution who later served as president