"milli-" is a prefix that means thousandth. Not thousand, that is "kilo-".
what does key mean in math
It means kilo meter is a math term for meters
"milli-" is a prefix that means thousandth. Not thousand, that is "kilo-".
Assuming you mean the international radio designation for the letter 'K' - it is Kilo.
what does key mean in math
It iselectrical energy measuring.
One kilo equals to 1,000. This is taught in math.
I do not know of such a word related to math(s)
There is no such math word, so it does not mean anything. You may wish to check your spelling before posting questions!
1k means 1,000 gp how can you not know.... used the main word k in "1k" kilo is what it means and 1 kilo is 1 thousand.