It means to find out the solution of a problem from the given information.
In mathematics, the term "obtain" typically means to find, acquire, or determine a specific value, result, or solution through a process of calculation, deduction, or reasoning. It is often used in problem-solving contexts where the goal is to arrive at a particular answer or outcome based on given information or conditions. In mathematical contexts, obtaining a solution implies successfully reaching a definitive and verifiable result through logical steps or operations.
what does key mean in math
I do not know of such a word related to math(s)
There is no such math word, so it does not mean anything. You may wish to check your spelling before posting questions!
The word at means the least
the word by means 'times' or 'multiply'
its mean like well its a math term its like distrubed fractions
arithemetic mean
it mean per rate