It is a symbol for the word "with".
You can try improvising, use a line and put it over the roman numerals.
to become designer and become young star
Drawing a line to divide one area from another. Creating a boundary.
"Bible" is derived from the Greek "biblios", which means library. (And if it doesn't mean library, it means book.)
Stand over you.
It means that whoever reviewed or edited the original material considers the word with a line through it to be incorrect, or not the best choice. The person offered a (presumably) better option over the word that was lined out.
I understand yes STAND is over I but that can also mean the letter I is under STAND so I under STAND = I UNDERSTAND
The root word means to stand. stigma is one word that has this root word.
to stand
The word "itinerary" means a journey that one has planned or a document or receipts that shows that travels that one has to make or planned. It could also mean a line of travel - a route.
somthing that you stand on or buying it
"place" "stand"
The word that best describes the line endings of this poem is "enjambed." This term refers to lines that do not end with the completion of a phrase or sentence and instead carry over to the next line.
Linea can mean a string, a cord, a fishing-line, a plumb-line, a finishing line in a race.
a news stand.