

What does the x in oxygen mean?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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It does not have a meaning. It is just simply the letter x. (Awk ze jen)

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Q: What does the x in oxygen mean?
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Assuming you mean oxygen gas, the number of molecules can be found by first finding the number of moles = mass of oxygen (4g) / Molecular mass of oxygen gas (32 g mol-1) This tells us there is 0.125 mol of oxygen gas present. The number of molecules present is given by the number of moles x the avogadro constant (6.022x10^23) So the number of oxygen gas molecules present is equal to 0.125 x 6.022x10^23 = 7.5275x10^22 molecules

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24.8g of oxygen contains ______.a. 9.33 x 10^23 oxygen atomsb. 50 amuc. none of thesed. 1.49 x 10^25 oxygen moleculese. 1.55 mol of oxygen molecules?


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The molar mass of oxygen is 16.0 g/mol. Therefore, in 4.0g of oxygen, there are 4.0/16.0 = 0.25 moles of oxygen. Since each mole of oxygen contains 6.022 x 10^23 atoms, there are 0.25 x 6.022 x 10^23 = 1.5055 x 10^23 oxygen atoms present in 4.0g of oxygen.

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There are approximately 0.625 moles of oxygen gas in 40.0 grams. Since the formula for oxygen gas is O2, there are 0.625 moles x 2 = 1.25 moles of oxygen atoms. Therefore, there are approximately 1.25 x 6.022 x 10^23 = 7.53 x 10^23 oxygen atoms in 40.0 grams of oxygen gas.

Why doesnt air have a chemical symbol?

because air is also known as OXYGEN IN A SCIENCY WAY X oxygen is known simply as ''O'' i think because air is also known as OXYGEN IN A SCIENCY WAY X oxygen is known simply as ''O'' i think because air is also known as OXYGEN IN A SCIENCY WAY X oxygen is known simply as ''O'' i think

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1.2 moles of oxygen atoms represent?

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