-iaminneed- it usually stands for a number.it also depends what kind of equation it is.
An unknown number.
A letter in math can stand for any number
Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!
A dot stands for multiplication simply because nothing else in math is a dot. Since X is a common math variable it is not used very often anymore in because it is too confusing when the problem looks like 3x x x + x= it is very hard to decipher.
An unknown number.
A letter in math can stand for any number
That can be viewed as multiplication. 62 x 42 = 2604
Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!
A dot stands for multiplication simply because nothing else in math is a dot. Since X is a common math variable it is not used very often anymore in because it is too confusing when the problem looks like 3x x x + x= it is very hard to decipher.
the letter L can stand for a variable.
it stands for milligrams