40 is a positive even number
19/40 is in the reduced form as there is no whole number that divides 19 and 40 evenly (remainder zero).
The derivative of 40 is zero. The derivative of any constant is zero.
Any product of any list of factors is zero, if one of the factors is zero.
the thousond
40 is a positive even number
Any number raised to the power zero is 1. Therefore, 40 = 1.
Any number, with the possible exception of zero, to the zero power is ' 1 '.
19/40 is in the reduced form as there is no whole number that divides 19 and 40 evenly (remainder zero).
The derivative of 40 is zero. The derivative of any constant is zero.
It is a fraction. For it to be a mixed number, the integer part of the number would have to be non-zero.
No, they are equal. Any time you have a zero to the right of the number behind the decimal, such as .4 or .40, the zero has no value. Now, if the zero was to the left of the 4, then it would have value, and would make a big difference. For example: If it were .04 instead of .4 or .40, then it would be 4/100 (or four hundredths) instead of 4/10 (or four tenths). In the 34.4 and 34.40, the .4 and .40 are both four tenths. Always remember, it's when the 0 is between the decimal point (.) and the number that is when it changes the value of the number. But if it's to the right of the number, it has no value.
It is a composite number because it's an even number and it has more than two factors