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Q: What does theoretical results mean?
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Why are the results for theoretical and experimental probability different?

The theoretical model does not accurately reflect the experiment.

What is the importance of theoretical and experimental research in physics?

Theoretical results obtained give an approximate range of the experimental results. This indicates the issues that occur before implementing it experimentally.

What does theoretical knowledge mean?

you to eat some buddy

How do you test theoretical probability?

The theoretical probability provides a model for predicting the outcome of trials. You then carry out a number of trials. Compare the outcome of your trials with the results predicted by the theoretical model. The comparison will usually involve "hypothesis testing", a branch of statistics. This is a method to test how likely the actual outcomes are if the theoretical probabilities were true. The exact nature of the test will depend on the theoretical basis and so the answer cannot be simplified.

What does theoretical physics mean?

Theoretical physics is where physicists theorize about things not yet proved mainly by using equations or preexisting theories.

What does the word theoretical probability mean in math?

Theoretical implies the mathematical calculation of the probability. Empirical means the actual outcomes to happen.

What does practical application mean?

"Practical application" can best be defined by contrasting it to "theoretical application". A practical application is the real or tangible use of a thing or a concept, whereas the outcome of a theoretical application is nontangibe results not subject to objective measurement because the thing or theory has not actually been put to use.

How is Mathematical concepts used in communication?

I DON'T KNOW HOW IS MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS USED I COMMUNICATIONmath models are evolved to get theoretical results

What does it mean to find the expected value of a chance activity with numerical outcomes?

I think it means to find the theoretical probability of something random that has results that are numbers. For instance, rolling a die and trying to get a 6 is a "chance activity with numerical outcomes".

What can you do to get the experimental probability to be closer to the theoretical probability?

The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.

What dose theoretical probability mean?

It means that you think about it but you don't actually do it.

What does theoretics mean?

Theoretical is commonly a theory based instead of practical consideration. The word theoretical came from the Greek word 'theoretikos' which means 'observable'.