A "third son" is the third son to be born to a person. A "third daughter" is the third daughter to be born to a person.
So, if a person had three sons, and the youngest of those sons had three daughters, then the youngest of those daughters would be the "third daughter of a third son."
Irad, daughter of Enoch, son of Enoch.
madar father son and daughter
Jonathan was Saul's son. (1 Samuel 14:1)
B is A's daughter. It's a fancy way of saying that B is A's child. So, in simpler terms, B is A's offspring.
Aristotle had two children, a boy and a girl from two different marriages. He had a daughter with his first wife named Pythias and a son with his second. The daughter was named after her mom Pythias', and the son after Aristotle'dad
The son, or daughter, of your father's first cousin is your 2nd cousin. The son, or daughter, of your father's second cousins is your third cousin. The son, or daughter, of your father's third cousin is your fourth cousin. And so on.
Your first cousin's daughter and your son are second cousins to each other. Your second cousin's daughter and your son are third cousins to each other. Your third cousin's daughter and your son are fourth cousins to each other. And so forth.
Your first cousin's daughter and your son are second cousins to each other. Your second cousin's daughter and your son are third cousins to each other. Your third cousin's daughter and your son are fourth cousins to each other. And so forth.
Third cousin.
Lacy is from the coast of France coming from a small town unkown. The name commonly means third daughter of a third son.
Your daughter's son's son is your great grandson. Your daughter and your sister's son are first cousins. Your great grandson and your sister's son are first cousins, twice removed. Your great grandson and your sister's great grandchild are third cousins.
third cousin once removed
third cousin once removed
It means you have (or had) at least two uncles and at least two great-uncles, and that is all it means.
Son in law is male related to you by marrying your daughter.
If by cousin you mean first cousin, your daughter and your (first) cousin's son's are second cousins to each other.
his oldest daughter: Merytaten, second daughter: Meketaten, third daughter: Ankhesenpaaten, his young son: Tutankhamen, his wife: Cleopatra, his wife: Kia