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Q: What does this chord mean in mathimatical terms?
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What does the mean in mathimatical terms mean?

It means the average. In principle ... (although the population may be a continuous function) ... it means (the sum of each member of the group) divided by (the number of members in the group).

Is there a mathematical word that starts with the letter k?

Yes. Kite is a shape. Shapes are mathimatical terms.

What does root mean in musical terms?

The term, "root" in Musical terms means the note that the rest of a chord is based around. For example, a C major chord which consists of the notes C, E and G would have a root note of C as it the note that allows the rest of a chord to follow. It is always the first note of any chord.

What does sustain mean in musical terms?

It's the length of a note after it is played such as when someone strums a chord on the guitar the sustain is how long that chord can be heard without strumming again

What is the role of mathematics in technological development?

Terms like SubMicron Tracks are mathimatical in nature but Technology in use. If what you want to do is not mathimatically correct then it don't work

What is aerodynamic mean chord?

The chord in an aircraft is the cross-section of the wing.

What chord is A C?

Not sure what you mean, but if you mean A/C, that means an A chord played over a C in the bass.

What is a e chord?

If you mean what are the notes, it's E, G#, and B. Added: if you mean an E major chord.

What is a chord in terms of mathematics?

a line that joins two points on a circle

What is truncated icosahedron?

it is the mathimatical name for a football.

What is the combination of musical notes played simultaneously referred to as?

Most commonly they are referred to as either a scale or a chord. However, other terms include cluster, row or series.

What is a sustain chord?

Not sure what you mean. If you mean a suspension chord, that is a chord made up of the I, IV, and V of a scale. For instance, a Csus is C, F, G. There is also a Sus 2 chord, which is the I, II, and V of a scale. A Csus2 would be C, D, and G. However, that is normally just called a 2 chord.