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Q: What does this mean she still has that much bluffing left in her?
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Much like in biology, the left side of the garment is the side that will be on your left when you are wearing it.

How much space is left in New Jersey?

Depends what you mean by "space left" in New Jersey.

How do you know so much about the Aztecs?

we know s much because there are still thing left from when they lived

How much black leopards are on earth today?

Well their are noy that many still left. Their are about 200 left in the African desert and their are only about 80-85 left in Austraila.

What is the meaning of this idiom not much of them left?

This is not an idiom. It means exactly what it seems to mean - there are not many left of whatever you're referring to.

Where is the fuel sensor on a 1999 Chevy Trailblazer?

Its under the fuel tank in the back left of the car to measure how much fuel is still left in the tank.

What does how much mean add or subtract?

"How much ... all together ?" usually means add. "How much ... left ?" usually means subtract.

How much do phlembotomist earn?

They earn enough money to afford a taco.. and still have some left in their pocket.

Marlon has 100 Coins. If He Spend 82 For His Family How Much Does Money Does He Have In All?

do you mean how much money does he have left

How many ocelots are left alive?

No data is available on exact numbers, but is still common over much of its range.

Is butter still good after being left in the car overnight?

You have nothing to worry about. the butter will still be fine. Butter can go rancid if it is left out in the wrong temperatures for long enough, however you will be able to tell by looking at it if there is something wrong with it. Butter lasts much much longer then milk without refrigeration.