So this is your problem: 3/8 + 3/4
To add these fractions together, you need a common denominator. To find the common denominator, you need to find the greatest common factor of 4 and 8, which happens to be 8.
You then need to convert both fractions into fractions with a denominator of 8. 3/8 is all set, so all you need to do is to convert 3/4 into an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 8.
You can do this by setting up a proportion: 3/4 = x/8. Cross multiplication gives you: 4x = 24, x = 6. So, 3/4 = 6/8.
Plugging this back into the original expression: 3/8 + 3/4 = 3/8 + 6/8. All you need to do now is add the numerators, which gives you a sum of 9/8, which is the same as mixed number 1 * 1/8 or the decimal 1.125.
Four plus three multiplied by six times three to the power of four is equal to 1,462.
1 and 1third
seven and eight tenths. you have to change one half to five tenths and then add the whole numbers and then the fraction
the answer is eight always
four fifths is equal to eight tents, so three tenths plus eight tenths is eleven tenths, or one and one tenth
As written, those are the same. For that sentence to equal 3, we need to use parentheses. (8 + 4) divided by 2 minus (1 x 3)
Six plus four divided by eight times nine minus four is equal to 6.5
Nope, it's 49.
Four plus three multiplied by six times three to the power of four is equal to 1,462.
Negative eight (-8) plus negative three (-3) is equal to negative eleven (-11). It is the same as -8 - 3.
Nought plus twelve. One plus eleven. Two plus ten. Three plus nine. Four plus eight. Five plus seven. Six plus six !
1 and 1third
Eight and seven eighths.
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem we have here! To add three fifths and three tenths, we first need to make the denominators the same. We can do this by finding a common denominator, which in this case is 10. Once we have the same denominator, we can add the fractions together to get a total of nine tenths. Just like that, we've created a beautiful new fraction!