

What does to make sport of mean?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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15y ago

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to mock or ridicule; poke fun at


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Q: What does to make sport of mean?
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What does it mean to make sport of something?

It means to make fun of it or insult it.

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It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.It has several meanings. It can mean throwing something. It can mean getting sick. It is the name of a sport in Ireland.