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It means 3 angles that can be found in a triangle.

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Q: What does triangle mean in terms of geometry?
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What Geometry terms begin with the letter t?

Trapezoid and triangle are geometry terms. They begin with T.

What does magnitude mean in geometry?

In geometry, magnitude is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

What is right triangle geometry?

A right triangle in geometry is a triangle that has 90 degrees as one of its angles.

What are 15 geometry terms that all begin with the same letter?

There are hundreds of terms associated with Geometry. A list of sixteen Geometry terms starting with just the letter P are Pythagorean theorem, Pi, pyramid, polygon, parabola, polytope, points, planes, projective geometry, platonic solids, parallel, power center, pedal triangle, prototile, polyhedron, and pseudosphere.

Where does the altitude of a triangle intersect geometry?

The altitude of a triangle IS a geometric concept so it intersects geometry in its very existence.

What does acute mean in terms of geometry?

An angle less than 90 degrees.

Dilating a triangle changes the size of the triangle but does not change its shape?

Answer #1:Yes.=======================Answer #2:False!=======================Answer #3:Without a definition of terms, it's hard to say. Outside ofan ophthalmologist's or an obstetrician's shop, "dilating"doesn't mean much. Certainly not in geometry.

Is an equilateral triangle always a right triangle?

No, never in plane geometry.

What would the term apex mean in regards to geometry?

Apex in regards to geometry means the peak or the climax such as the top of a triangle. It is not a frequently used term, with the exception of a crossword clue.

How do you solve for a spherical triangle?

If by sperical triangle you mean a triangle on the surface of a sphere, you will need 3 dimensional coordinate geometry. Whether you use polar coordinates or linear coordinates will depend on what you want to "solve".

1st century greek and Egyptian geometry and engineer whose best known mathematical work is the formula for the area of a triangle in terms of the lengths of its sides?


What are the define terms of geometry?

are you asking for help on finding definition for geometric terms? if so go to: and to wikipedia for x and j terms