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Q: What does two fourths equal in math?
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No, two thirds does not equal three fourths.

Is two and three fourths equal to eleven twelfths?

No. Two and three fourths is equal to thirty-two twelfths.

Does one fourth equal one half?

No, two one-fourths (two-fourths) equal one half.

Does two fourths equal a halve?

ya it does

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What minus two and three fourths equal four whole?

six and three-fourths

Will two one fourths of salt equal one eighth?

No, two one-fourths of salt is equal to one-half, not one-eighth. To get one-eighth, you would need four one-eighths combined.

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Is three-fourths less than two fourths?

No - expressed as a decimal, 3/4 is equal to 0.75, while 2/4 is equal to 0.5.

Is two fourths larger than five tenths?

no is equal

What are two equivalent ways to equal two fourths?

1/2 and .5