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not holy

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Q: What does unhallowed mean?
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What does the word unhallowed mean?

not hollowed out

What is unhallowed in a Sentence?

Unhallowed means not regarded as holy. Another word for unhallowed is unholy. "A major criticism that some people have with the Catholic church is some of the unhallowed acts that their priests do."

When was Unhallowed created?

Unhallowed was created on 2003-06-17.

What is a short sentence using the word unhallowed?

Ram is an unhallowed person.

What are the release dates for Unhallowed Ground - 2007 SUSPENDED?

Unhallowed Ground - 2007 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2007

How can you use unhallowed in a sentence?

Suicides and unbaptized children used to have to be buried in unhallowed ground throughout much of Europe.

What is a synonym for unhallowed?

unblessed, secular

What has the author Simon Nash written?

Simon Nash has written: 'The loneliness of man' -- subject(s): Loneliness 'Killed by scandal' 'Dead of a counterplot' 'Unhallowed murder' 'Unhallowed murder'

How were suicide victims buried in the past?

At one time those who committed suicide were buried in unhallowed (not blessed) ground.

What does it mean for a church to get dedicated?

i dont know please tell me please :) Answer A new church or one that has been rebuilt, or a building that will be used as a church is usually dedicated first. The prayer is offered up to the service of God. That His spirit might always be in attendence whenever meetings are held there. That it might be kept safe from storm, fire or tempest. That all who attend meetings may be taught the gospel, and that it might be recieved and understood as the Holy Spirit dictates. That no unhallowed thing might enter therein. It is dedicated as a place of worship.

Stuff that start with the letter u?

ok here goes.... ulcer ulcerate unbelievably unbeliever unclean uncover undercurrent undercut underrate underrepresented undies undo unfailing unfailingly unhallowed unhampered unionize union jack unlearn unleash unpaired unpalatable unremovable unrepentent unskilled untouchable untouched upuppermost Uranus urban use utopian not everysingle one but you get the point

What group of people did not approve of plays?

Disapproval of theater is very common in history. Plato of course condemned anything that was not "true," including drama. The Christian church only likes Passion plays, and doesn't like them very much. Moliere is buried in unhallowed ground because theater people were routinely excommunicated in Catholic France. Unpopular or repressive political regimes - the Puritans in 17th Century England, for example - are forever banning plays and closing theaters.