just the first and second part of the verse.
I am not sure which bit of the verse you mean but if it is 'Then he gave up the ghost' then quite simply it is when Jesus died.
Esther 8; 9
Proverbs 2:7 .....(chapter 2, verse 7) is one. Psalms 7: 8 is another one.
Let's go back to verse 7, " Therefore, to you who believe, He (Jesus) is precious; but to those who are disobedient, "The stone (Jesus) which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone". 8, and "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense". Jesus has become the chief corner stone of Christianity, which is the true way to God in heaven.
Bible, New Testament, Paul's Letter to the Galatians, Chapter 2, Verse 8.
A verse is a component of a song. It is often paired with a chorus, and the lyrics of each verse are usually not the same.
This is not so much an "application" verse as opposed to a "historical" verse; meant only to inform us what happened in the past, leading up to the creation of Noah's ark.
just the first and second part of the verse.
If you mean where else can you read about the uncleaned spirit(s) named 'Legion' coming out of the man, then read Luke 8:29-31.
psalms 118:8
Verse 7: God created Adam by forming a body out of earth and breathing a living soul into it. This caused the body to begin living. Verse 8: God prepared a special Garden and placed Adam there. The Garden was in a region called Eden.
Being Erica - 2009 This Be the Verse 1-8 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
The longest verse in the apocrypha is found in the Book of Tobit, specifically Tobit 8:3.
Get means to acquire or obtain
chapter 4 verse 8