Five 'w' could signify the five common question words:
Roman numerals are a numeral system of ancient Rome based on letters of the alphabet, which are combined to signify the sum of their values.
A decimal.
Well, Sharoon may have various meanings. In Urdu it means Sunshine. Australian origins signify that it means a Ship Navigator. And greek origins signify that it means Perfection.
The number 10 signify completeness
Conceal is the antonym of signify.
They signify the time.
The ringing of the bell will signify that it is time for class to begin.
The verb form of significant is "signify."
The word "signify" is a verb.
The adjective form of "signify" is "significant."
The plural of signify is signifies. As in "this signifies that you are awesome".
what does the signiture on a presciption chart signify
One adjective for "signify" could be "meaningful."
Dark clouds in the sky can signify an impending thunderstorm.
People often wear a ring to signify that they are married.