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The weighted arithmetic mean is used, if one wants to combine average values from samples of the same population with different sample sizes: : The weights wi represent the bounds of the partial sample. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by respective values. rhinostar

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Q: What does weighted average mean?
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The weighted mean is simply the arithmetic mean; however, certain value that occur several times are taken into account. See an example

What is the definition of 'weighted mean'?

"Weighted mean" is the average calculated by taking into account not only the frequencies of the variables but also some other factors such as their variance.

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Is there any difference between expected value and arithmetic mean?

There is. Arithmetic mean is simple average of numbers not weighted by anything. However in EV, the numbers are weighted by their probability

What does Current Grade Period Weighted Average mean?

You have to multiply your score and then divide

Is it the arithmetic mean or weighted mean that is more accurate Why?

The arithmetic mean and the weighted mean are used in different situations. The arithmetic mean is used in frequencies as a general average. The weighted mean is used when different factors contribute to some kind of total for example with weighted index numbers. It is not a matter of accuracy it involves using the right mean in the right situation. Almost always (if not always) a question will specify which mean to use.

Is an arithmetic mean a weighted mean or a weighted mean an arithmetic mean?

The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

In Mathematical terms what does the term weighted average mean?

In mathematical terms a weighted average is one which takes account of the popularity or frequency that particular numbers appear in the collection that is being averaged. It is considered to give a more realistic average.

Is The Dow Jones Industrial Average a market value weighted or price weighted index?

The Dow Jones Industrial average is a price weighted index.

What do you add to your unweighted average?

You can't convert an unweighted average into a weighted average simply by adding something. You have to do the whole calculation for the weighted average.