Any whole number in math is simply a number without any decimal points. 324 -whole 324.78 -fraction
a whole number mixed with a fraction
percentage of the whole number that you are taking away
A mixed number is a kind of fraction that has a whole number in front such as: 41/2
it is the whole number in a power
Any whole number in math is simply a number without any decimal points. 324 -whole 324.78 -fraction
a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
a whole number mixed with a fraction
percentage of the whole number that you are taking away
A mixed number is a kind of fraction that has a whole number in front such as: 41/2
is the number 7 in real math a whole number
truncate means to add the whole number to whatever else you have,and then multiply it by your fraction
number * 1
a whole number; a number that is not a fraction.
it is the whole number in a power
its an integer its a whole number it is not a prime number....
A whole number is an integer with no decimals or fractions attached to it.