Whole number means the same thing as integer and does not have a fraction or decimal part. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers.
Short answer - yes, fractions with whole numbers are rational. All whole numbers are rational. All fractions are rational. Rational numbers can be added to always make another rational number.
An integer is a whole number. Adding a integer would just mean to add a whole number.
An integer is a whole number without fractions or decimals
If you mean 5110 then it is an integer because it is a whole number
It is a number of inches where that number is an integer.
Yes. All whole number, integer and natural number and even fractions and decimals are rational numbers
Short answer - yes, fractions with whole numbers are rational. All whole numbers are rational. All fractions are rational. Rational numbers can be added to always make another rational number.
If you mean 21517 then it is an integer because it is a whole number. If you mean 2.1517 then it is not an integer because it is not a whole number.
An integer is a whole number. Adding a integer would just mean to add a whole number.
Yes, all whole numbers (integers) are rational. Please note though that not all rational numbers are integers.
An integer is a whole number without fractions or decimals
If you mean 5110 then it is an integer because it is a whole number
It is a number of inches where that number is an integer.
you mean as a rational number?..if rational: 9/100..and i believe it cannot be made whole..
The answer must be a whole number.
An integer is a whole number. Nonnegative mean not negative. A nonnegative integer is a whole number that is not a negative number. For example, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,....
If you mean -20 then it is an integer because it is a whole number