Wide range or extent.
No, literacy is a topic, an education covers a wide range of topics.
If the wide range is evenly spread between the very small and the very large (the distribution is symmetric) then there is not much to choose between the median and the mean. If not, the median will have some advantages as a measure of central tendency.
It gives an indication of the spread in the values: are they all very close to the mean value or scattered across a wide range of values? That is important in determining how accurate your point estimate of the mean is.
interquartile range or mean absolute deviation.
Wide range or extent.
As much as it cost. There were a wide range of vehicles, with a wide range of options, aimed at a wide range of customers, with a wide range of incomes, over a wide range of markets.
If you mean a kayak paddle, they range from 6 to 8 feet.
how wide a range of vibrations can hear
No, literacy is a topic, an education covers a wide range of topics.
If by "why" you mean "what," a well tested framework that explains a wide range of observations in science is called a theory.
If the wide range is evenly spread between the very small and the very large (the distribution is symmetric) then there is not much to choose between the median and the mean. If not, the median will have some advantages as a measure of central tendency.
In what situations would you want to have narrow tonal range versus wide tonal range?
1. all-inclusive: including or concerned with all people 2. useful to all: useful or interesting to a wide range of people 3. all-embracing: interested in or sympathetic to a wide range of things
There is a wide range (variety) of organic products because people want to buy them.
why do manufacturing processes produce parts with wide range of tolerance
That you know the meanings of many words, AND can use them correctly.