"Writing in the value of the underlined digit" refers to determining the actual numerical worth of the digit that is underlined in a given number. This process involves identifying the place value of the digit based on its position within the number (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) and then assigning the appropriate value to it. For example, in the number 532, the underlined digit 3 represents 3 tens or 30.
"Write the place and the value of the underlined digit" is a math instruction that requires identifying the position of a specific digit within a number and determining its value based on that position. The "place" refers to the position of the digit within the number, such as ones, tens, hundreds, etc. The "value" is the numerical worth of that digit based on its place within the number. This task helps students understand the concept of place value and how digits contribute to the overall value of a number.
Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!
If the underlined digit in the number 677 is 6, you would round the whole number to 700. If the first 7 is underlined it would be 680.
3 100 423 080.
Since there is no underlined digit the word form is and the value is .
Six and two thousandths
"Writing in the value of the underlined digit" refers to determining the actual numerical worth of the digit that is underlined in a given number. This process involves identifying the place value of the digit based on its position within the number (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) and then assigning the appropriate value to it. For example, in the number 532, the underlined digit 3 represents 3 tens or 30.
"Write the place and the value of the underlined digit" is a math instruction that requires identifying the position of a specific digit within a number and determining its value based on that position. The "place" refers to the position of the digit within the number, such as ones, tens, hundreds, etc. The "value" is the numerical worth of that digit based on its place within the number. This task helps students understand the concept of place value and how digits contribute to the overall value of a number.
Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!
It sounds like this:The place value is the power of 10 that is connected to the column of a given digit. In the number 12345.67 the digit 5 is in the ones column, the digit 4 is in the tens column, the digit 3 is in the hundreds column, the digit 2 is in the thousands column, and the 1 is in the ten thousands column. 6 is in the tenths column, and 7 is in the hundredths column.So, if the 2 above is underlined, you should realize that the value of it is 2,000, or two thousand. It's 2, but it is in the thousands column.
it means to write the value. for example.... 1.639. just write the value.
If the underlined digit in the number 677 is 6, you would round the whole number to 700. If the first 7 is underlined it would be 680.
In the number 470, the underlined digit is 7. The place value of 7 in this number is the tens place, which means it represents 70. In the decimal number system, each place value is 10 times the value of the place to its right. Therefore, the digit 7 in the tens place has a value of 70 in the number 470.
They are: 600, 30 and 3