y means the coefficient of the number.
If you mean: y = -8 and y = -2x-12 then the solution is x = -2 and y = -8
If you mean: 8.4 = y-4.6 then y = 13
Do you mean y = 4x+9? If so then the y intercept is 9
X goes into Y is really Y divided by X
(W)hat (Y)ou (W)anna (T)alk (A)bout
magical top hat
un sombrero negro y blanco = "a black and white hat"
it means hat. the traditional french hat.
There's no option to remove your character's hat in Pokémon X and Y. You can still choose between 19 hats, though (27 for the female character).
what do you mean by When can ant hat ball!?
A bit of this and a bit of that
nice hat pretty hat
Yamika (Jewish hat)
The A on his hat doesnt mean anything. He just picked that hat out. The A on his hat means the Atlanta Braves. His Second Home is the ATL bc of where he got signed and it all started with Usher.
It's a hyperbole and means that somebodies hat is big.