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Q: What does y mean on a script refill?
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Why won't pharmacy refill adderall with a refill on script?

Adderall is a Schedule II narcotic. This class of drugs are legal, but have the highest potential of abuse. For this reason, a doctor can not give a refill or call-in a script for these drugs, he must see the patient in person and write them a new script every time. So the reason the pharmacy won't refill the prescription is because it shouldn't have refills in the first place.

What does 1 plus refill mean on my prescription bottle mean?

That its at-least one more refill but not quite 2.. my daughters said that and i called and they said the script was wrote for 90 tablets but my insurance would only cover 30 days at a time

What does script mean?

what does script mean?

Where can you buy a script?

When you say script, what do you mean exactly? If you mean php or code script, you should search on

What does The Script mean?

The prefix script- means to write.

What does the prefix script mean?

The prefix script- means to write.

Refill vicodin before prescription states?

That's impossible, especially because it's a narcotic. Pharmacists do not refill narcotics before the prescription refill date Wrong.....most pharmacies will allow a refill when at least 75% of the original prescription has been used according to the dosage instructions. For instance, if you filled the original script on the 1st, the earliest you could refill it would be the 24th. Most insurance companies follow this guideline as well.

What are the symbols or script on the hyperdub logo?

very reectangle-y and blocky N

What does improvisation mean in drama?

when you do sumthin without a script but you have not dun it with a script before it

What is in a script?

Script is a Script...What I Mean...If u want a train move when u touch a button that's a script when u touch the button the train is in move

What was the Roman script durong Roman civilization?

You need to specify what you mean by Roman script.

What does the suffix script mean?

one who