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Q: What does you deserve rounds mean?
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What do Mercy mean?

A colloquial, but pretty good, definition has it as "not getting what you deserve." The implication being that you deserve punishment, but that punishment is waived.

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"You Deserve It" Used to show the viewer has no sympathy for the person who "deserved it".

What mean 22 short long or long rifle?

it means you can use 22 short rounds 22 long rounds and the modern 22 long rifle rounds and it will shoot them all

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ridiculously; so as to arouse or deserve laughter

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What does rounds per min mean?

Rounds per minute probably refers to how many shots a firearm can fire off in a minute.

What does list example of rounds in music mean?

Identify rounds in music. Example: Row, Row, Row Your Boat Put it in a list with others.

Te lo mercess mean?

Te lo mereces > you deserve it.

Are 45 acp rounds the same as 45 rounds?

It depends. The term "45 rounds" can refer to any 45, and all 45s are not interchangeable. However, I would say that when people say 45, they usually mean 45 ACP.

What does circles per second mean?

The number of rounds made each second.

How do the Jonas brothers have a career?

they have a singing career but that doesn't mean that they deserve it or even that they can sing!

What does it mean if he says I just can't give you what you deserve right now?

It is an excuse to get out of the relationship.