It mean when adding or subtracting zero from any number you get the same number back
1+0 = 1, 2-0 = 2
When multiplying by zero you get zero for a number
1×0 =0, 2×0= 0, 0×3 = 0 ... etc.
When dividing by zero it is undefined or impossible to do
When taking the log of 0 it too is undefined
The log of 1 is 0
That all the property of zeroes rules I can think of for now.
Hope this helps.
Literally this is "two and two are five". Incorrect math.
If you ask because of DOS, you can play the old version with DOSBox.
The MathTest DOS Virus was created by a certain virus-creating group of the time period known as YAM, short for Youths Against McAfee.
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, (10)diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, diecisies, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, (20)Veinte, Veinte-y-uno, Veinte-y-dos...(30)Treinta, Treinta-y-uno, Treinta-y-dos, ...(40)cuarenta, cuarenta-y-uno, cuarenta-y-dos, ...(50)cincuenta, cincuenta-y-uno, cincuenta-y-dos,...(60)sesenta, sesenta-y-uno,sesenta-y-dos, ...(70)setenta, setenta-y-uno, setenta-y-dos, ...(80)Oichenta, Oichenta-y-uno, Oichenta-y-dos,...(90)noventa, noventa-y-uno, noventa-y-dos, ...(100)cien
Literally this is "two and two are five". Incorrect math.
What does the term mean prompt in dos
Dos Lagos
Dos por Dos means Two times two 2x2
It means "are". In context it means one is/are two.
cero punto dos dos ocho cinco cinco (zero point two two eight five five)
El número dos.
7.082. Siete punto zero ocho dos.
Dos y dos means "two plus two" in Spanish.
Math Rescue - 1992 VG was released on: USA: October 1992 (DOS version)
Fred Zero Quatro was born on July 11, 1965, in Jaboato dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil.