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It means "it's all good" for lack of a better term

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Q: What doze Oscar mike mean in the m?
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What does Oscar mike mean in the miltery?

In the MILITARY, the term "Oscar Mike", is used to say "On the move". Oscar standing for O, Mike standing for M. The use of "the" is taken out totally. So, Oscar Mike. :)

What does m mean in the phonetic alphabet?

M = "Mike"

What does the term mike mean in the military?

"Mike" or "Pork Chop" was the hand held micro-phone for your tank, APC, or jeep radio. "Mike" is also the phonetic letter for "M". Example: "November...I spell...November Oscar Victor Echo MIKE Bravo Echo Romeo..."

When did Oscar M. Ruebhausen die?

Oscar M. Ruebhausen died in 2004.

When was Oscar M. Crutchfield born?

Oscar M. Crutchfield was born in 1800.

When was Oscar M. Ruebhausen born?

Oscar M. Ruebhausen was born in 1912.

When did Oscar M. Fritz die?

Oscar M. Fritz died in 1975.

When did Oscar M. Crutchfield die?

Oscar M. Crutchfield died in 1861.

When was Oscar M. Fritz born?

Oscar M. Fritz was born in 1878.

What does Oscar mike stand for in military terms?

Oscar and Mike stand for the letters "O" and "M" in the NATO phonetic alphabet (In a situation where being clear in your speech isn't an easy task, e.g. over the radio, code words representing letters come in handy, so militaries of countries that belong to NATO use the Nato Phonetic Alphabet, a system of words used in place of letters when something is spelled out, e.g. Alpha for A, Bravo for B, etc.).Since "Oscar Mike" stands for "OM", the real question is what that is an acronym for. The answer is, O M stands for "On the Move," (but with the "the" removed, like in U.S.A.), or other variations of the phrase.

When did Oscar M. Laurel die?

Oscar M. Laurel died on 2001-03-29.

When was Oscar M. Laurel born?

Oscar M. Laurel was born on 1920-06-08.