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Q: What drug can keep you awake for 4-16 days and can give you hulstinations?
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Can i pass a drug in a month after smoking weed for 4 days?

In a way yes you can if you smoked 4 days in a row and had a drug test, minimum give it two weeks then you're clear and also clear of dentists. But then if you smoked the day you had a drug test or 2 days after, you're screwed

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Contrary to what some believe, golden seal does not cleanse drugs from your body. Using it before a drug test will not give you a drug-free test.

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You can give them a heart attack

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usually, about 72 hours give yourself at least 5 days for a drug test to be safe

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Utnapishtim challenges Gilgamesh to stay awake for six days and seven nights as a test of his worthiness for immortality. However, Gilgamesh falls asleep as soon as he sits down.

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Um what drug?

Can you give a sentence with the word caffeine in it?

Caffeine is found in coffee and helps you to stay awake.

How do they get hold of their illegal drugs?

The drug lords use drug pedlers to do their dirty work for them these people choose certain area , like slums and near schools, they will give drugs to them free for a few days , and once they have their customers they charge them.

What happens if you fail a non dot -drug sceen?

The consequences of failing a non DOT drug test will depend entirely on your employer's drug policies. Some employers will terminate your employment contract, while others may give you time off without pay for a couple of days with another drug test upon your return.

Does oxycodone make a drug screen test positive for methamphetamine?

No, taking fentanyl will not give a positive result for a drug test screening for oxycodone. It is a fallacy that all "synthetic opioids" show up as the same compound on a drug test. The fact of the matter is that fentanyl has a vastly different chemical structure than oxycodone, and thus would not give a false positive for it on a drug test. Fentanyl would also not give a positive result for hydrocodone or opiates (morphine, codeine, and heroin).

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He gave him too much of the drug.

Does powerade have caffine?

No, it does not. However, it does contain sugars which give you energy that might keep you awake longer