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Q: What economy that is neither growing nor shrinking is said to be in a period of?
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I didnt get the awnser either so neither are you sorry have a good day love Kayla

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What does actual growth mean in economics?

I do believe that actual growth refers to the economy growing as a whole, not just certain aspects or sectors of it. If correct, then the definition of economic growth is applicable: an increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one period of time to another.

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What happening when the GDP is neither rising nor falling?

When GDP is neither rising nor falling, the economy is said to be at a state of equilibrium or stability. This means that the level of economic activity is remaining constant, with no significant changes in output or income. It could suggest that the economy is in a period of steady growth or experiencing a plateau in economic growth.

What economic period does it growth and decline?

During an expansionary period/phase, an economy grows. In a contractionary period/phase, an economy declines/retracts until it begins to grow again.

Define recession in the economy?

Recession means the period of reduction in trade and commerce in the economy.

Is it normal for a 13 year old girls breasts to grow and shrink around her period?

Yes, it is normal to see vatiation in your breast size throughout your entire menstrual cycles but especially around ovulation and menstruation. The breasts are not growing or shrinking, the ducts in the breasts are swelling due to the effect of hormones on the breasts.

What is the boom period?

The Boom Period is a part of the business cycle where there is a continuous growth in the economy.

Is a period in which the economy grows then contracts?

business cycle