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Q: What edge is angled or sloped and gives the effect of a three-dimensional object?
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Are fronts sloped or vertical?

They are sloped

Is a triangle and a pyramid same?

No. A triangle can be a two-dimensional object whereas a pyramid must be three-dimensional (with sides that are sloped).

A speed time graph forms a straight line which is an example of?

If it is a horizontal straight line, it means the object is moving at constant velocity. If it is a sloped line, it means the object is accelerating.

Is perpendicular vertical?

Not necessarily. A perpendicular to a sloped line will be sloped. It will be at right angles to the sloped line, though.

Why is PPF negatively sloped?

why PPF in economics is negatively sloped

What is the definition for leg of a triangle?

There is no formal definition: it is any side of a triangle. Often, if the triangle has a horizontal base, then it is one of the sloped sides. In a right angled triangle, it is one of sides adjacent to the right angle. In an isosceles triangle, it is one of the equal sides.

What type of simple machine a sloped surface that moves?

A sloped surface that moves would typically be classified as an inclined plane. Inclined planes reduce the amount of force needed to lift an object to a higher elevation by allowing it to be moved along a gradual slope rather than lifted directly.

Why do objects slide?

Objects slide because of the forces acting upon them, such as gravity or friction. When an object is on a sloped surface, gravity pulls it downward, causing it to move. The presence of friction between the object and the surface affects how easily the object slides.

Does negatively sloped mean downward sloped?

Yes. Negative gradient would mean downward sloping.

How does the slope of a track effect a car's speed?

The turns of a track are usually sloped (banked). This allows the cars to turn at higher speeds since they are less likely to slide.

Why do tanks have sloped armor?

When you put the armor at an angle, the thickness is increased due to the fact that it is sloped as opposed to plumb.

What is slanted surface is?

A slanted surface is a surface that is angled or sloped rather than being flat or level. It can be used in various applications such as ramps, roofs, and roadways to create an incline.