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Q: What effects the selling price of basic needs?
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How price effects can be decomposed into its income effect?

price effects income directly. if price is high then demands will down and profit will high. if price is low demand will increase. and profit will minimum. but due to high selling amount profit can be increase.

Choose the best answer The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to A Make profit B Calculate selling price C Determine cost of making a product?

The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to Calculate the selling price.

What is the selling price of dairy milk i selling price to consumers ii selling price to retailer iii selling price to wholesaler?

selling price to whole seller.

The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to do?

The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to Calculate the selling price.

Choose the best answer 1 The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to A Make profit B Calculate selling price C Determine cost of making a product?

The first thing which needs to be done in cost accounting is to Calculate the selling price.

How is target cost determined?

Target cost is determined by subtracting the desired profit margin from the target selling price. By understanding customer needs and competition, a company can set a competitive selling price. This allows the company to then calculate the target cost by subtracting the profit margin from the selling price.

What is the selling price?

The selling price is the price that people get their food on sale

Saud bought a TV set for Rs12000 To make a desired profit he needs a 50 percent markup on selling price What is his Rs Markup?

Saud bought a TV set for Rs.12000. To make a desired profit he needs a 50% markup on selling price. What is his Rs. Markup?

If selling price is S and product price is P then what will be the profit?

Selling price is somethng on which the profit depends so its Selling price - Product price = profit

Define cost price and selling price?

define cost and selling price

How do you find the percent of markup?

(Selling Price - Cost price)/Selling Price * 100

How do the find the selling price?

cost price multiply by profit then add the answer to the cost price =selling price