It depends on which currency you use. Some may be able to include certain denominations of coin while others cannot.
If you are using currency from the United States' mints, 3 quarters and 5 nickels equal a dollar.
Eight nickels and six dimes equal one dollar.
Two x Five Dollar notes would equal Ten Dollars.Five x Two Dollar coins would also equal Ten Dollars.
Ten dimes equals one dollar.
The largest number of coins to equal a dollar is 100 pennies.
-- If the coins are dollar coins, all it takes is one of them. -- If the coins are pennies, it takes 100 of them. -- So a dollar can't be less than 1 or more than 100 coins.
Eight nickels and six dimes equal one dollar.
Two quarters,four dimes and two nickels equal a dollar.
Two x Five Dollar notes would equal Ten Dollars.Five x Two Dollar coins would also equal Ten Dollars.
Ten dimes equals one dollar.
The largest number of coins to equal a dollar is 100 pennies.
7 dimes 1 quarter and 1 nickel equal one dollar.
The 8 coins are: 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 2 pennies.
-- If the coins are dollar coins, all it takes is one of them. -- If the coins are pennies, it takes 100 of them. -- So a dollar can't be less than 1 or more than 100 coins.
you can have 3 dollar coins wich equill $3.00
12 nickels, 4 dimes.
3 dimes and 14 nickels
16 coins that equal exactly one dollar are 10 pennies,2quartars, and 4 dimes. Or 3 quarters,10 pennies, and 3 nickels.