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Q: What element uses up four fifths of the air?
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Is korras main element fire?

No, Korra's main element is water. She is the Avatar, capable of bending all four elements - water, earth, fire, and air.

Why is air an element?

Air is a mixture of several gaseous elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen, and compounds, such as carbon dioxide. In the sense of the four elements, water, fire, earth, and air, air is an element.

What is somthing that is am element?

The four elements are water, air, fire, and earth!

What is a 4D PUMP for air matresses?

An air pump that uses four D-cell batteries.

Is earth an element?

yes its one of the four elements - earth, fire, air and water

How do you change the air filter in Audi A4?

Facing the car the air box is to the left. Undo four clips, remove element, clean out the air box, install new element (read the arrows for the direction of the air flow), reattach clips.

How do you change the air filter for a 2003 Audi Quattro?

Follow the air intake from the engine to the front of the car. There is a rectangle box. Unclip the four clips surrounding box, lift up, pull element out. Next clean the air box, and replace it with a new element. Clip all four clips. Done.

How do you change the air filter on an 2006 Audi A4?

4 clips, unclip all four and pull element out.

How dehumidifiers work?

Dehumidifiers work by removing moisture from the air. They are especially helpful in places like basements, where there can be a lot of uncomfortable moisture in the air. A dehumidifier is basically a refrigerator. It uses the same principal as is used by a refrigerator to make a chilled element (inside the refrigerator, this is what makes cold in the freezer) and a hot element (normally the condenser at the back of the refrigerator). A fan blows humid air over the cold element and then over the warm element. Cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, so the water is condensed out of the air on the cold element; and the air is heated back up as it passes over the warm element.

What element has most power?

element air . Air was an element in the old Greek system, it is not a chemical element.