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Q: What else did peter do three times?
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How many time did peter deny JESUS?

Peter denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed, just as Jesus had predicted.

How many times did Peter say that he didn't know Jesus?

Peter denied Jesus three times.

Did Peter deny Jesus before or after His death?

Peter was in the court yard of the high priest when Jesus was on trial. Three times people approach Peter and accused him of being a follower of Our Lord. Three times Peter denied it. And then a rooster crowed three times and Peter remembered Our Lord's prediction made just a few hours before that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed.

Who insisted three times that he did not know Jesus?


Who denied Jesus three times just like Jesus said someone would?

Peter denied Jesus three times, just as Jesus had predicted. This occurred during Jesus's trial before his crucifixion.

Peter david and tom collected 400 stickers sltogether peter had three times as many stickers as tom david had 155 stickers more than peter how many stickers did peter have?

If Peter, David and Tom collected 400 stickers altogether, Peter had three times as many stickers as Tom, David had 155 stickers more than Peter, then Peter had 13 stickers.

Who among the apostles disowned Jesus Christ three times?

In the Gospels, Jesus tells Peter the night before the Crucifixion that Peter would deny knowing him three times, before the cock crowed the next morning. On the third denial, "the cock crew", and Peter realizes Jesus had been right.

What is the difference between a rooster and a peter for?

The difference between a rooster and Peter is mentioned in the Bible, when the Peter denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed.

Why does peter do three times?

He says he does not know Jesus, so he will not be arrested and crucified too.

Whowhen accuse of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him three times?

Simon Peter denied Jesus three times. And Jesus had already saw this and informed him.

Did Saint Peter deny knowing Christ while Christ was on trial?

Yes he did. Three times.

Which pope was elected three separate times?

Pope Benedict IX was pope three times and was, perhaps, the most vile and disgusting individual to ever fill the shoes of Saint Peter.