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Well let's see... I've comitted several felonies, was in jail for around 30 years, and rarely do anything besides rob drugstores and play Video Games and watch T.V..... As you can see I never applied anywhere so I have no idea what you're asking me for.

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Q: What else have you done that you feel is relevant to your application that you would like us to now about?
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What else have you doen that you feel is relevant to your application?

Take this time to highlight some accomplishments that you might not have added in your application or resume. This could be some volunteer activities or organizations to which you belong that might indicate leadership skills.

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You may be violating the law since you would need to commit perjury on your application for domestic partnership. When two people submit an application for domestic partnership (as with an application for a marriage license) each must swear that neither person is married to someone else or is a member of another domestic partnership with someone else that has not been terminated, dissolved, or adjudged a nullity. If you lie about your status on the application, any subsequent legal relationship you sought to create would be invalid.

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The verb for application is apply. As in "to apply for something" or "to apply something to something else".

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Yes with out promoting racism they would have to get a job , heavens forbid

Does it matter what address you put on a job application?

yes it does matter what address you put on a job application, the address you put on a job application is supposed to be where you reside, no where else.

How Bruno Mars got 3 Billion dollars rich?

He's famous. How else would he have done it donkey?