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Q: What empire was also know as the kingdom of the fifty two clans?
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The kingdom of the fifty-two clans was also known as Buganda empire.

The kingdom of the fifty-two clans was also known as the?

The kingdom of the fifty-two clans was also known as Buganda.

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Charlemagne's Empire was created legally when Pope Leo III crowned him Emperor of the Romans on December 25, 800. The Empire included the Kingdom of the Franks, which he inherited, together with large amounts of territory he conquered and annexed to that kingdom, and the Kingdom of the Lombards, which he also conquered but maintained as a separate kingdom.

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The Neo-Babylonian Empire (also called the Chaldean Empire) led by King Nebuchadrezzar conquered the southern Kingdom of Judah in 586 BCE.

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The Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt also known as the Nubian Dynasty or the Kushite Empire

What are apps similar to Clash of Clans?

Galaxy life There is also Boom Beach. It is made by the same develops as Clash of Clans.

Which empire ws Yugoslavia apart of?

Yugoslavia was a united country only between 1918 and 1990s. It was split into different political entities from the Middle Ages to 1918 and the areas it covered had been under several different empires. In antiquity the area was under the Roman Empire. Later, parts of the area were under the Carolingian Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, The Bulgarian Empire, The Serbian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Austrian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The First Bulgarian Empire (681-1018) included Macedonia, part of Montenegro and much of Serbia. The Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1391) included Macedonia and much of Serbia until the formation of the Serbian Empire (1346-1371) which included Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Macedonia was under the Ottoman Empire from 1395 to 1912 when it joined the Kingdom of Serbia. The Ottoman Turks also conquered Serbia in 1455, Bosnia & Herzegovina in 1463 and Montenegro in 1499. Serbia broke away from Ottoman rule in 1815, becoming the Kingdom of Serbia. Bosnia & Herzegovina came under the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1878 and Montenegro became independent in the same year. The Kingdom of Montenegro joined the Kingdom of Serbia in 1818 and then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1918 Bosnia & Herzegovina became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1526 Croatia decided to be ruled by Ferdinand I of Habsburg in exchange of protection from Ottoman attacks. It was called the Kingdom of Croatia, an administrative unit of the territories of the Habsburg Monarchy which from 1804 to 1867 became the Austrian Empire and from 1867 to 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1918 it joined the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In the Early and High Middle Ages Slovenia was under the Carolingian Empire and then the Holy Roman Empire. In the 14th century it came under the rule of the Habsburg Monarchy and then the Austrian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918 when it became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

What is the difference between being Jewish and Hebrew?

Jews today generally call themselves Jews and consider the term Hebrews to be quaint, at best.In more detail, the Hebrews were a collection of related tribes in the middle east. Some of them claimed descent from a man named Israel, previously known as Jacob. They were called the Children of Israel or the Israelites, and they were also called Hebrews. The Israelites conquered (if the biblical account is to be believed) the land of Cannan and founded a kingdom, the Kindgom of David (there's evidence of this outside the Bible). Later, this kingdom split into a Northern kingdom, known as the Kingdom of Israel, and a southern kingdom, known as the Kingdom of Judah or Judea. The northern kingdom was wiped out by the Assyrian Empire. It's almost certain that some of the survivors joined up with the Judeans. The southern kingdom was wiped out by the Babylonian Empire (which also wiped out Assyria). After the Babylonian Empire was wiped out by the Persian Empire, the exiles who returned to Judea were known as Jews.

High point in the Egyptian empire?

The Egyptian empire did not have just one high point, but some say it was strongest during the new kingdom of Egypt. The largest pyramid, The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops), was built in the old kingdom of Egypt, so it is partly your decision/opinion of the high point of the Egyptian empire.

What was the government that Africa had in the middle ages?

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Mediterranean Africa west of Egypt was mostly a Vandal kingdom. Egypt was still part of the East Roman Empire. The East Roman Empire took over the Vandal kingdom, but then the whole area was taken over by Arabs as part of the empire called the Caliphate. Sub-Saharan Africa included the Kingdom of Ethiopia, which was Christian throughout the Middle Ages. It also include other monarchies and empires, such as the Ghana Empire, along with a multitude of tribal groups, but the records for these are sparse.

What was special about Sargon's Akkadian Empire?

Sargon's Akkadian Empire was special because he was considered the first king and that was considered the first kingdom. He also had thriving cities and impressive military rule for being the first to set up an empire.