If I were to make a parallel with my native tongue, then they should be: ONCE, TWICE, THRICE. However, a similar category does not seem to exist in English.
a native is the first people that cam to Canada. they owned the land first. got this from a book.
Diggory venn
Perhaps you mean dillweed, an umbelliferous herb similar to fennel and caraway. It is native to Europe and is particularly characteristic of the cuisine of Northern and Eastern Europe. It is used especially in making soup and pickles, or with fish. The ferny foliage also makes an attractive garnish. The seeds of the dill plant are also used as a flavouring.
Native Americans received disease. Although they lost much, the introduction of disease especially STD's.
The Takahe bird.
Cheetahs are not native to Canada and can as such not be endangered there.
taxmanian devil
The sulphur-crested cockatoo, native to Australia, is not at all endangered.
Rhinos are an endangered species native to Africa and India.
native grasses and frogs are endangered species in wetlands
There are a couple of different endangered animal species native to Peru. These include the jaguar, the condor, and the blue whale.
Yes. The Siamese crocodile, although Critically Endangered, is native to Thailand.
No. There are plenty of mammals native to Australia that are not endangered. Some of the most famous, such as the Red Kangaroo and Koala, are listed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN.
Yes, it is. An endangered species.