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They can address issues more effectively than a state agency acting ... there is no satisfactory way to achieve a reconciliation of divergent interpretations. ... Although there are many types of interstate compacts, they can generally be ... The purpose of the commission is to examine a problem and report to the ChaCha again!

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Q: What environmental problems could interstate compacts address and what solutions could they achieve?
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What environmental problems could interstate compacts address and what solution could they achieve?

They can address issues more effectively than a state agency acting ... there is no satisfactory way to achieve a reconciliation of divergent interpretations. ... Although there are many types of interstate compacts, they can generally be ... The purpose of the commission is to examine a problem and report to the ChaCha again!

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Will interstate compacts become more important with the development of new technologies Give examples to support your answer?

States are enjoying ever increasing opportunities to work cooperatively to address interstate issues. The last two decades have seen resurgence in the development of new interstate compacts and the revision of existing, though outdated, compacts. As a tool reserved exclusively for the states, interstate compacts can provide states the means to address state problems with state solutions, avoiding federal intervention and preemption. Interstate compacts are one of the most powerful, durable, and adaptive tools for promoting and ensuring cooperative action among the states. As one of the oldest mechanisms available for states to work together, their use predates the founding of the nation. Unlike federally imposed mandates that often dictate unfunded and rigid requirements, interstate compacts provide a state-developed structure and solution for collaborative and dynamic action among the states. The very nature of an interstate compact makes it the ideal tool to meet the demand for cooperative state action, to develop and enforce stringent standards and provide an adaptive structure for states that can evolve to meet new and changing demands over time. A distinctly American invention, interstate compacts promote multi-state problem solving in the face of complex public policy and Federal intervention. Example: Child abuse and sexual offenders registration laws throughout all states within the United States. National sex offenders data base is a new technology being used. P.E. Harrell

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Short stories of environmental concerns can be an effective way of raising awareness on the need to conserve the environment. They can highlight on the environmental problems and possible solutions.

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Does the study of environmental science must involve discussion of human culture and people's opinions on politics and economics?

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Environmental audit helps in control of?

Environmental audit helps in controlling and managing environmental impacts and risks associated with business activities. It allows organizations to identify areas of non-compliance, set goals for improvement, and implement strategies to reduce their environmental footprint. Through regular audits, companies can ensure they are operating in a sustainable and responsible manner.