One minute is 60 seconds. Therefore, 130 seconds = 130 / 60 = 2.167 minutes.
There are two full hours plus 10 minutes in 130 minutes
0.923076923076923 x 130 = 120
There are 68328000 minutes in 130 years.
130 pounds = 2,080 ounces.
130 minutes is 2 hours and 10 minutes
130 + 130 = 260
130 minutesAnother opinionActually I believe there are 300 minutes in 5 hours, since there are 60 minutes in each hour 5 multiplied by 60 equals 300
10%of 130
10% of 130 is 13.
There are 2 hours and 10 minutes in 130 minutes
To solve this one, subtract 50 from 180 and you'll have your answer.
One minute is 60 seconds. Therefore, 130 seconds = 130 / 60 = 2.167 minutes.
65% of 200 = 130
There are two full hours plus 10 minutes in 130 minutes