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Rate of change = amount of change in some period of time/amount of time for the change

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Q: What equation do you use to find the rate of change?
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What is the every-day use of a derivative?

To find the rate of change. Velocity, for example, is the rate of change of distance - in a specified direction. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

How do you calculate the rate of a chemical reaction?

The rate of a chemical reaction is typically calculated by measuring the change in concentration of a reactant or product over time. This can be determined by plotting a graph of concentration against time and calculating the slope to find the rate. Alternatively, you can use the rate equation derived from the experimental data to determine the rate constant.

How do you find the rate of change in a problem?

This all depends on how the problem is asked.If we are asked the equation, and we want to determine the rate of change at the given point, differentiate the function (or take the derivative of the function) and substitute the dependent variable with the given value.ORIf we are given two points with two known coordinates, then use the secant slope form, which states that:m = (f(b) - f(a))/(b - a)This is called the average rate of change.

How do find use the uniform acceleration that cause a car's velocity to change?

To find the uniform acceleration that causes a car's velocity to change, you can use the equation: Acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. This formula allows you to calculate the rate at which the car's velocity is changing over a specific period of time.

How do you find the ac resistance of a diode?

The ac resistance of a diode is found using the equation: (The change in Vd)/(The change in Id) An easier was is to use the Equation: 26mV / Id. This is a general form as the ac resistance of a diode change as the temperature changes.

What equation do you use to find ohms?

Use the equation that shows the relationship between ohms and the properties that are known.

If you know 2 points on a line, how can you find the rate of change of the variables being graphed?

if the points are already graphed, you can use the slope right triangle method or you can make a table and go from there. You can also use this formula: y2-y1/x2-x1. The y is the y coordinate and the x is the point's x coordinates. If you have an equation in y=mx+b form the slope or rate of change is the number right before the x.(represented by the m in the example)

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the formula you are going to use to answer the equation

To find the change in the internal energy of a system which equation would you use?

To find the change in internal energy for a system, you can use the equation: ΔU = Q - W where ΔU is the change in internal energy, Q is the heat added to the system, and W is the work done by the system.

What equation do you use to find an objects density?


How do you use Rydberg's equation?

Rydberg's equation is used to find wave length of spectral lines.

When would you use rate of change in real life?

Some examples: Your velocity is the rate of change of distance (even if you don't think of it in that way). Your acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Your pay rise is the rate of change of your pay (per year).