

What equation that equal x 150?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What equation that equal x 150?
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That is not an equation because there is no equal sign. In order for y to be a function of x, y must equal the rest of the values. So assuming that your expression was equal to 0. To make y a function of x, add 3y to both sides and then divide the equation by 3. y=5/3x-50

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Equation: x+3=3+x (notice the equal sign: equal; equation)Expression: x+3 (notice no equal sign)

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Equation: x+3=3+x (notice the equal sign: equal; equation)Expression: x+3 (notice no equal sign)

What equation equals 150 in math?

15 x 10 = 150

How do you find the x's that make the equation equal to 0?

You would set the equation equal to 0 and then solve for x. You may get one or several answers for x, x being the number(s) that make the equation equal 0.

What does x equal in this equation- 4-2y plus 2?

Since there is no x in the equation, it can equal anything at all!

When will two persons aged 45 and 50 equal 150 using this equation X plus x plus 5 equals 150?

In 27.5 years. [By the way, I think you mean x+x+95=150.] Let x be the number of years in the future when the sum of their ages will be 150. In x years, the younger person will be 45+x and the older will be 50+x. The sum of their ages will be 150, and the equation to find x is given by: (45+x)+(50+x)=150 Now solve for x: (45+x)+(50+x)=150 95+2x=150 2x=150-95=55 x=55/2=27.5 So the sum of their ages will be 150 in 27.5 years. The younger person will be 45+27.5=72.5 and the older person will be 50+27.5=77.5.

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2 x 3 x 5 x 5 = 150

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6 x 25 = 150