

Best Answer

There is no "half way" to infinity. Since the term "Infinity" means boundless or no end, there is no such term as half of infinity, or the middle of infinity. <<< Boob - I forgot the "Both Ends" thing - Duh.

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On the number line infinity extends in two directions of minus and positive and in between is 0 which is an even number because both sides of it are odd numbers

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Is infinity an even number?

Infinity is not a number in the ordinary sense of the word. It is neither odd nor even. Here is an interesting paradox about the parity of infinity: If you multiply all integers together you get infinity. So 2 is a factor of infinity and so infinity must be even. But then one more than this number is also infinity and this new infinity must, therefore, be odd!

What is the highest number besides infinity?

Infinity is a concept, not a number. Even if it were considered such, infinity plus one is also infinity, and so infinity minus one is still infinity.

What is the difference between 20 and infinity?

The difference is infinity. Infinity is the concept of the largest possible number. Even if you take 20 away the number will still be infinity.

What is the least even number?

negative infinity

How many shapes have even sides?

An infinite number. A shape can have an infinite number of sides - half of these numbers will be even and half odd. Half of infinity is still infinity.

Why is infinity minus infinity undefined?

Infinity is a concept, not an actual number. Someone may say the number of stars is infinite, or that the number of fractions between 0 and 1 is infinite, or that the number of even numbers is infinite. But these are not things that can be subtracted.

What is the probability of hitting even number?

In the list of all integers from negative infinity to positive infinity, there is a 50% chance that a randomly selected integer will be even.

Is infinity even or odd?

Neither. If it was odd, you could simply add 1 to make it even, and this even number would be infinity as well; then you can do the same to make it odd again.

How far is infinity?

Beyond a googleplex-even bigger then a graham's number.

What shape has the greatest number of perpendicular sides?

the even-infinity-gon

Is infinidy a even number or odd number?

neither, infinity is not a number. infinity is what is called an abstract or irrational number. it has no end or a different view is not that it has no end, it is just ever expanding. so, neither.

What whole number is after infinity?

Infinity is not a number and so there is no whole number after infinity.