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Q: What exact day of the week of 911 happening?
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Which day of the week was 911?


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24/7 means that it is happening all the time. There are 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week, therefore it means that there isn't an hour out of the day, or a day out of the week that it isn't happening.

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It was a Wednesday-Ash Wednesday to be exact. And it was the day my son was born :)

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Deforestation is happening at on going high rate and is getting higher evry day week and month! STOP DEFORESTATION!!!!!

Are d day and 911 the same?

No. D-Day was a famous day during WW2. - 911 was in New York.

How many times do people call 911 a day i the country?

In the United States, approximately 240 million calls are made to 911 each year, averaging around 657,000 calls per day. This number fluctuates based on the day of the week, time of day, and specific events occurring in the country.

Is October 1st week 29?

No. It is about week 41, depending on the exact day of the week the year starts on. In 2011, when the question was asked, the 1st of October was in week 40 and the 2nd to the 8th was in week 41.

What day of the week was JF Kennedy shot?

John F. Kennedy was assassinated on a Friday. The exact day was 11/22/1963.

What day of the week pres Lincoln killed?

April 14th was on a Friday that year. To be exact, good Friday.

What is happening to the length of an Earth day?

The length of earth's day is increasing. I don't have the exact figure handy, but it's of the order of 0.002 second longer every 100 years.

What day of the week was summer solstice 1979?

The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere was a Friday, happening on the 22nd of June that year. The summer solstice in the southern hemisphere was a Saturday, happening on the 22nd of December that year.

Who saved the day on the 911?
