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The word classism means the prejudice or discrimination against those who are poor or rich. Classism is a very bad thing and companies and the government generally cannot engage in classism.

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Q: What exactly does 'classism' mean?
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How can you overcome classism?

To overcome classism, it is important to challenge assumptions and stereotypes about people based on their socioeconomic status. It is crucial to promote equality and access to resources for all individuals regardless of their background. Education, awareness, and advocating for social policies that address inequality are key steps in overcoming classism.

What is classism?

Classism: The institutional, cultural, and individual set of practices and beliefs that assign differential value to people according to their socio-economic class; and an economic system which creates excessive inequality and causes basic human needs to go unmet.

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The difference is racism deals with someone being judgemental and discriminatory because of someone elses race/ethnicity. Classism deals with someone being discriminatory because of someone elses social/economic class. Though it should be noted, the two can sometimes overlap.

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History of classism?

classism what is it ! Upper Class: Is something that defines a group of people. For example on the Titanic the first class people were respected alot by the crew. All the upper class people own big companies or they are born into money. Middle Class: Middle class people are a little less respected

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If you mean does it have faces then yes, if you mean does it have five exactly equal faces then no.

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