It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.
It is 10 - exactly as in the question.It is 10 - exactly as in the question.It is 10 - exactly as in the question.It is 10 - exactly as in the question.
You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.
Yes, exactly is an adverb.
'Exactly' is an ADVERB. Reason it ends in '-ly'.
An Entomologist studies Insects
An entomologist.
The answer depends on where in the world the entomologist is employed. It will also depend on the level of expertise of the entomologist.
Southwestern Entomologist was created in 1976.
Australian Entomologist was created in 1974.
The general category is entomology - entomologist with sub categories likApiology (melittology) - beesColeopterology - beetlesDipterology - fliesHeteropterology - true bugsLepidopterology - moths and butterfliesMyrmecology - antsOrthopterology - grasshoppers, crickets, etc.Trichopterology - caddis flies
Heinrich Wolf - entomologist - was born in 1924.
Guido Grandi - entomologist - died in 1970.
Edward Newman - entomologist - was born in 1801.
Johann Becker - entomologist - died in 2004.
Johann Becker - entomologist - was born in 1932.
Philip Crowley - entomologist - was born in 1837.