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Efile is the process that you can use to ELECTRONIC File your state and local income tax returns. You can have them filed by a company like HRBLOCK or you can have them filed in a do it yourself program like TURBOTAX. In those cases it is not free. There is a charge to a credit card, debit card or when you buy the program, there is a free number of filings allowed that is built into the cost of the program. That free filing is only for Federal filing though. States charge you for using those applications. On the otherhand though most states allow you to file for free as does the IRS if you want to enter the information by hand. You have to use the internet to do any of this.

Lawyers also use Efile to submit court documents.

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What exactly is an free efile?

A free efile is an electronic file that is provided for you at no cost. However, the definition of efile can depend on the context of the situation. An efile may also mean that the information must be provided electronically.

What exactly is efile tax extension?

An E file tax extension is where a filer requests for extra time to file their taxes through the internet. The way to do so can be found at,,id=206000,00.html.

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What are the requirements to qualify for a free eFile?

Different companies which offer free tax eFile services have different income and other requirements. Generally, having a 1099 will not disqualify you for a free eFile. The website also has a list of free eFile companies.

What is the earliest date to efile taxes in 2012?

January 17th, IRS begins to accept efile taxes.

What is the quickest way to get a tax refund?

The quickest way to get your tax refund is eFile and then have it direct deposited into your bank account. Visit: for more information on how to efile. Good luck!

Where to find free efile and tax advice?

eFiling can be a quick and easy way to submit your appropriate tax paperwork. Visit: for more information on how to efile. Good luck!

Can you provide the field/xpath for the efile returnheader?

The field/xpath for the efile returnheader is typically located at /Return/ReturnHeader.

How can one create an eFile for free?

A commercial tax software is needed for the preparation of one's tax returns. Filing the eFile is just clicking on a button. There is no additional charges for the eFile if you have a commercial tax software.

Can you download free efile online?

Yes you can. If your income is $58,000 or less,you can normally download free efile. The government in most countries can supply people with software.

What is the height of efile towers?

777 feet tall

What are the benefits of using an income tax efile?

Income tax efile is easy and free. You can file your tax return from the comfort of your home and have everything at your fingertips to complete your filing.