

What exactly is phenobarbital?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What exactly is phenobarbital?
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What is methyl phenobarbital?

Prodrug for Phenobarbital.

What is the meaning of phenolarbital?

The correct spelling is phenobarbital instead of phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is a sedative barbiturate drug. It is a narcotic that is typically used in the treatment of epilepsy.

How is phenobarbital classified?

Phenobarbital is classified as a barbiturate, which is a type of central nervous system depressant that is commonly used as an anticonvulsant or sedative.

Will Phenobarbital crystallize in D5?

Phenobarbital is not compatible with dextrose solutions like D5 as it can lead to crystallization. It is recommended to administer phenobarbital in a normal saline solution to prevent this issue.

What color tube for a phenobarbital level?

A lavender/purple top tube is typically used for collecting blood specimens for phenobarbital level testing. This tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant.

Phenobarbital and alcohol?

Phenobarbital is used in controlling seizures and relieving anxiety. The symptoms of phenobarbital dependence are the to those of chronic alcoholism. Some of these include anxiety, muscle twitching, progressive weakness, dizziness and distortion in visual field.

What is Barbita also called?


What is phenobarbital used for?

Typically it is used as an anti-seizure treatment.

If you are taking Phenobarbital and you are now taking fioricet can a urine screen detect this?

If you are taking Phenobarbital and you are now taking fiorcet can a urine screen detect the fiorcet?

Is phenobarbital an opiate blocker?

No. But combined with opiates it can kill.

What is phenobarbital for?

Typically it is used as an anti-seizure treatment.

Does phenobarbital inhibit bilirubin conjugation?

No, actually quite the opposite. Phenobarbital enhances conjugation of bilirubin in the liver by inducing microsomal enzymes, like UDP-glucuronyl transferase.